Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am sitting next to Fabian, one of the little boys in my house. He is playing a computer game while I am trying to think of something to write about. He is more successful than I am at this moment. However, I truly admire this little boy. It is not because of his amazing computer skills, it is more about the invitations that he gives me. He constantly wants me to play with him. Sometimes, I just watch as he invents new games. When we both have homework, he invites me to do my homework as he is doing his. This means that we can play sooner than later. He asks me which movie or television show I want to watch. He gives me toys so I can have a respite from my homework and other obligations. He helps me understand why his little brother does not want to play a game with me. He is patient with me as I speak Spanish to him. Most of all, he gives me a lot of moments to laugh about.
When I think about all of these invitations, I reflect on how he is in the beginning stages of becoming a missioner. He is only 6 years old, but I see this in him. He is generous with what he has. He is genuine in his actions. He asks hard questions that cause you to think about your actions. For example, he asked me why I don’t play with him more often. I replied that I have more homework and other things to do. He said something in Spanish that is still a bit foreign to me. He welcomes and accepts anyone into his life. I am just impressed with this little boy.
Through all of these actions, I mull over of what I can learn from him. He is an example of what I hope to be in my life. I want to share more of what I have. I want to welcome anyone into my life. I want to be more accepting of people that are different from me. I want to be more understanding of situations and circumstances that people are in. So, I need to take lessons from Fabian.

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